Leaves are always linked with the color “GREEN”, and if you ask somebody: “why are leaves green?” The answer would probably be: “Because of the cholorphyll, and they are green.” However, this has not answered the core question - so why cholophyll is green? With such doubt, I started the research about this topic and gained a lot throughout the process.

This research was conducted in June 2020. Although it seems nosense, actually there’s a whole lot story about it - we can even start from the origin of cell.

In one paragraph, we can seperate my personal explainations into four connected steps:

  1. Start fromt the definition of leaf - how shall we define leaf? leaf1
  2. What is the definition of color and is cholorphyll essential for photosynthesis? leaf2
  3. Major difference between light reaction and dark reaction of photosynthesis leaf3
  4. As lifes come from ocean - how speciality of aqua environment shape photosynthesis
  5. ancient biological niche and “purple earth” hypothesis purple earth

The underlying video is the final result of my research. Sorry that all the contents are in Chinese.

With heavy workload in university, I don’t have time to upload an English version currently, but I will update a English version if I have time in 2022 summer, thank you!