Moire Pattern is frequently appears in our daily life. For instance, when you use smart phone to shoot the digital screen, you will definitely get seemingly weird interference pattern in certain range of angle. Actually, this is one form of moire pattern.

Base Case: when two same or similiar patterns overlap in specific angle, moire pattern appears


This can also be found at static pictures with dense patterns - this is interfernece between camera CMOS grid and pattern


When I use my iphone to film digital screen in a special angle, amazing moire pattern appears


Optical Illusion based on Moire Effect

Also, we can use such pattern to create optical illusion that forms simple animation, which is pretty interesting (the animated girl I createad by using Moire Effect): aqua

In reality, it’s a pre-processed picture that embed sectioned parts of each frame of the animation and then simply applying vertical grating that move horizontally. Then, there would be animation-like performance. origin

Interference Pattern When ScrrenShooting

This is a more complicated topic, and relates to the mechanism how digital lenses capture image in reality. In one sentence, different pattern of phone lenses’ CMOS grid and computer scrren’s pixel array cause this effect, which I would explain in detail in the underlying video.

This research was conducted in June 2021 during first year university summer vacation, and underlying video is the final result of my research. Sorry that all the contents are in Chinese.

With heavy workload in university, I don’t have time to upload an English version currently, but I will update a English version if I have time in 2022 summer, thank you!